Crispy Stripes...KFC style

Crispy Stripes...KFC style

Let’s be honest...who does not like to eat from time to time unhealthy junk food? I admit it...every now and then I 'll do it, whether it is Mac, Burger King or KFC. But it is not so healthy. I love the crispy stripes from KFC...but every time I eat them I feel sick afterwards. I can not say if it is because of the ingredients or because I devour the stuff. What I can I say is then whenever I cook the stripes at home, I do not have this problem. This is also the reason why I didn’t eat for years at KFC... I like from there only the stripes...ok, and the coleslaw salad (I 'm still looking for the right recipe for this). So... if you like the stripes like I do but not want to eat junk food, then this recipe is right for you.

You need:

2-3 pieces of chicken breast
1 cup cornflakes
2 eggs
50 g flour
2 tbsp milk

This is how we proceed:

Preheat oven to 200°C degrees.

Give cornflakes in a bag and crush them. Cut the chicken breasts into stripes.

Give spices in a mortar and crush them.

Season chicken stripes on both sides.

Whisk eggs together with 2 tablespoons of milk. Give flour and cornflakes in shallow plates. First toss the strips in the egg, then in the flour, and then in the cornflakes. Place on a tin covered with baking paper and bake for 15-20 minutes.

Crispy Stripes before baking

Arrange on plates and serve.

Crispy Stripes
Crispy Stripes...KFC style

How do you find this recipe? Do you also eat junk food?

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