Gingerbread Smoothie

Gingerbread Smoothie

Now after Christmas we have more gingerbread than we can eat. Sometimes we cannot see it anymore. So I have eaten so much gingerbread -  for this year it is enough. But we do not want to throw away the rest. And you don’t have to. You can use the remaining gingerbread as a cheesecake base. Or you make a tasty smoothie out of it…just as I did. It is very  simple and tastes super delicious. By the way...while you are reading this article I am enjoying a cocktail or I am lying on a beach. So the next period will be quite here.

For 2 Glasses you need:

1 banana
4 gingerbreads
400 ml milk
1 tbsp cacao
1 tsp gingerbread spice

This i show we proceed:

Peel banana and cut into pieces. Crumble gingerbread. Put everything in a blender and mix into a smoothie.

Gingerbread Smoothie
Gingerbread Smoothie

What do you do with all the remaining Christmas cookies?

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