Eggnog - homemade

I wouldn't have thought that it is so hard to make home-made eggnog. Don’t understand me wrong...the procedure is very simple...and you also don’t need many ingredients. Why do I then complain that it is so hard? was difficult to find the right recipe. There are n variants: with cream, milk, condensed milk or even orange juice; with 95% alcohol or only 40%; with vanilla, powder or raw sugar; with 3, 6 or even 10 eggs. There were also variants where you first had to cook everything and the eggs were beaten until creamy over a water bath. And , and, and.

Eggnog - homemade

I then decided to try Zorra's recipe ... as it seemed to be very simple... and it was simple (of course I changed it a bit). I did not have to worry that I will heat the eggs too much, I did not need a thermometer...everything was very quickly and easily. Maybe I will try the next time another recipe to see whether there is a difference in taste, but until then I want to share this recipe with you.

We need:

3 egg yolks
mark of ½ vanilla bean
1 tsp vanilla sugar
50 g powder sugar
200 ml condensed milk
200 ml of cognac, brandy or rum

This is how we proceed

Add egg yolks (use preferably fresh organic eggs), scraped vanilla seeds, vanilla and icing sugar in a bowl and beat with a mixer for about 5 minutes until creamy.

Eggnog - in the making

Mix well the condensed milk and the cognac/ brandy or rum. Pour condensed-cognac mixture in a thin stream into the egg yolks. Stir constantly.

Pour the eggnog into bottle(s) and store in the refrigerator. Homemade eggnog should be consumed within 2-4 weeks.

Eggnog - homemade
Eggnog - homemade

I find homemade eggnog is a beautiful Easter gift. I'm going to use mine for various desserts...and of course I'll share the recipes with you.

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