Pasta alla Genovese

Pasta alla Genovese

Lately I cooked and baked only to use the leftovers. I still have a few apples that were not used? No problem...I'm making apple compote. I still have half a kilo of cherries that I did not use for the problem...I'm doing jam. And it goes on like this. Also this recipe was cooked in order to use some leftovers. For pasta alla Genovese you need pesto. I had some corn salad that I did not use, but didn’t want to eat salad anymore. So it was processed into pesto. And it was used for pasta alla Genovese.

For 4 servings you need:

400 g pasta
Parmesan cheese
fresh basil

This is how we proceed:

In a pot with salted boiling water cook pasta al dente according to package instructions. I used farfalle, you can use what you want or have at home.

Drain pasta, taking care to collect some pasta water. Put pasta back in the pot, stir in the pesto and add as much pasta water as needed so that the pesto spreads evenly.

Pasta alla Genovese in the making

You can read here how to make pesto. This time I used instead of basil corn salad and instead of walnuts cashews. The preparation is the same.

Sprinkle with Parmesan and fresh basil and serve immediately.

Pasta alla Genovese
Pasta alla Genovese

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