Berry cake

Berry Cake

As you already know, I'm not a talent when it comes to cakes. For some reason they never look as I want. But they always taste good, and that's more important. But about today's berries cake I am a bit proud ... because it does not only tastes good but it also looks good. At least this is my opinion. Well, you cannot do a lot wrong here...but still. I'm pretty happy with the result.

For a 26-28cm spring-form pan you need:

For the dough:
For the cream:
200 g soft butter
400 g mascarpone
150 g sugar
150 g ricotta
4 eggs
3-4 tbsp powdered sugar
1 lemon
250 g currants
300 g flour
250 g blueberries
1 tbsp baking powder
125 g gooseberries
fresh mint
15 tbsp milk

This is how you proceed:

Line the bottom of a spring-form pan with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 200°C.

For the dough beat butter, sugar and eggs with the whisks of the electric mixer for 5 minutes until frothy light. Wash lemon with hot water, dry and finely grate the zest. Mix lemon zest, flour, baking powder and 1 pinch of salt and stir into the egg mixture. Add 15 tablespoons of milk and stir.

Berry Cake dough in the making

Divide the dough in 2 and pour a portion in the pan, smooth it and bake for 15 min until golden. Remove, cool in the tin for a few minutes then turn out, remove the paper and cool completely on a wire rack. Do the same with the remaining dough.

For the cream stir mascarpone, ricotta and powdered sugar. Sort out the berries, wash and drain. Squish 100g currants and 100 g blueberries and fold into the cream.

Berry cake cream

Spread every cake with the cream then scatter over the berries. Assemble the cake on a cake plate and then give for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.
Berry cake

Decorate with mint and serve.

Berry cake
Berry cake
Berry cake

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