Oreo chocolates

Oreo chocolates

Hi! A few weeks ago I've found on the internet a chocolate recipe that I really wanted to try. So I tested the recipe just before Christmas...and what can I say. Just that I love the Oreo chocolates.

We need:

300 g Oreo Cookies
2200 g mascarpone

This is how we proceed:

Chop Oreo biscuit into small pieces. For this I have to use the universal food processor.

Mix the Oreo crumbs with the mascarpone. Give the mixture for at least one hour in the refrigerator.

Since I have recently bought chocolate molds, I decided to use them.

For that I melted the chocolate over bain-marie.

Fill the molds with the chocolate and let to rest for about 2 minutes. Turn the silicone molds on parchment paper so that the chocolate runs out. Remove the chocolate from the surface of the forms.

Give the chocolate mold in the refrigerator. When the chocolate has set, remove from the fridge and fill with Oreo mascarpone mixture up under the rim.
Oreo chocolates

 Give the chocolate from the baking paper in a bowl and melt again over bain-marie. Using a spoon, drizzle the chocolate on the oreo-mascarpone filling. Give in refrigerator.

Oreo chocolates

If you do not have any chocolates molds, do not worry. You can still make these tasty chocolates. For this you have to form bite-sized balls out of the Mixture. Put them for 15 minutes in the fridge. Melt the chocolate. Dip the balls with the help of 2 forks or teaspoons in the chocolate and let cool on baking sheet.

Remove from the mold and serve.

Oreo chocolates
Oreo chocolates

And? How do you like the chocolates?

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