Tuna steak in sesame crust

You have certainly already noticed that I hardly eat meat . And that I 'm not a fish fan should also not be a secret...there are no fish recipes on the blog. But I 'm not a vegetarian... I could not give up on meat completely.

When I was in Sicily, I ate a super delicious tuna steak. At that time cooking was not one of my hobbies , otherwise I would have asked the chef for the recipe 😄. When I was shopping groceries, I have seen this super good looking tuna steaks...and I had to buy it...even though I had no idea what I want to cook. Then I decided to cook tuna steaks in sesame crust, and you can admire the result here today.

Tuna steak in sesame crust

Ingredients for 2 persons:

2 tuna steaks à 150 g
3-4 tbsp olive oil
black sesame seeds


This is how we proceed:

Rub tuna steaks with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Flip in black sesame seeds.

Heat some olive oil in a pan and fry the steaks on each side for 1-2 minutes. The tuna will be raw in the middle. If you do not like it like this, then fry a little longer.

Arrange on plates and serve.

Tuna steak in sesame crust

As you can see ... it is quick and easy. What about you? Do you like fish?

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