Beacon and egg breakfast muffins

Beacon and egg breakfast muffins

During the week I 'm not a breakfast person. I wake up pretty early, then I'm not hungry and I don’t have time for breakfast. This is the reason why my breakfast consists during the week mostly from a yogurt , rice pudding or a sandwich (bought from the cafeteria or from time to time made by me). In the weekend, it looks better...because I have more time. Then my breakfast is more consistent. The last time I prepared, for example this breakfast muffins. Simple, delicious and with the WOW factor.

Beacon and egg breakfast muffins

For 4 muffins you need:

4 slices of toast
4 slices of bacon
4 eggs


And this is how we proceed:

Grease muffin form.

Cut the crust of the bread and roll flat with a rolling pin. Press bread into the muffin tin.

Fry bacon slices briefly and then lay crosswise in the form on the bread. Crack an egg in a cup and let it slide into the muffin tin. Season with salt and pepper and bake at 200°C degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Garnish with chives and serve.

Beacon and egg breakfast muffins
Beacon and egg breakfast muffins
Beacon and egg breakfast muffins

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