Mulled wine

Mulled wine

I must confess, this winter I drank only once mulled wine. Just once…and I like mulled wine…especially on cold winter evenings. But luckily you can cook mulled wine at home...and mostly it tastes better than the bought one. That's what I did. If you also like mulled wine here is the recipe for you.

You need:

500 ml of red wine
1 apple
5 - 6 tablespoons sugar
1 cinnamon stick
1 star anise
3-4 cloves
2 orange slices

This is how we proceed:

  1. Put wine in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Wash apple, dry, remove core and dice. When the wine begins to boil, add the apple, sugar, cinnamon, anise and cloves. Remove saucepan from heat. Cover the pot and let it stand for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove the spices and fill the mulled wine in 2 cups. Add an orange slice and serve immediately.

Mulled wine
Mulled wine

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