

Hello you! Today I have for you a typical Bavarian beer garden dish recipe - Obatzda. What? You've never heard of Obatzda? Well lucky you have me (or the Internet) :).

Obatzda - also Obatzter, Obazda, Obazde or Obazd'n - is a spicy cheese specialty that is served with rye bread or pretzels and radish cut into spirals.

The original Obatzte was a recovery of old cheese residues, particularly of Camembert and other soft cheeses. To make it again eatable the ripe to over-ripe cheese was mixed with butter and spices were added, primarily paprika powder and often also cumin or onion. From this traditional version, a variety of recipes developed. (Source: wikipedia)

I opted for a "lighter" version that does not contain as much Camembert, nor cumin and beer.

You need:

200 g Camembert
100 g cream cheese
40 g butter
1 big onion
1 tsp paprika powder, sweet


How do we proceed?

Peel and finely chop the onion.Wash, dry and cut the chives into rolls. Mash the Camembert with a fork.

Give cream cheese, Camembert, butter, paprika powder, chives and onion into a bowl and mix well. Season with salt and pepper.

Obatzda in the making

Cover and leave to rest for 30 minutes

Sprinkle with some chives and serve.


We've eaten it with homemade pretzels.


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